Source code for pyiron_contrib.atomistics.atomicrex.function_factory

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import copy

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pyiron_base import PyironFactory, DataContainer

[docs]class FunctionFactory(PyironFactory): """ Class to conveniently create different function objects. for detailed information about the function visit the atomicrex documentation. """
[docs] @staticmethod def user_function( identifier, input_variable="r", species=["*", "*"], is_screening_function=False, cutoff=None, ): return UserFunction( identifier, input_variable=input_variable, species=species, is_screening_function=is_screening_function, cutoff=cutoff, )
[docs] @staticmethod def poly(identifier, cutoff, species=["*", "*"]): """ TAKE CARE !!! The polynomial function implemented in atomicrex does not handle derivatives at the cutoff right now, i.e. when using this as a pair function or similar there will be massive jumps in forces. """ return Poly(identifier, cutoff=cutoff, species=species)
[docs] @staticmethod def spline( identifier, cutoff, derivative_left=0, derivative_right=0, species=["*", "*"] ): return Spline(identifier, cutoff, derivative_left, derivative_right, species)
[docs] @staticmethod def equidistant_spline( identifier, n_nodes, cutoff, initial_value_func, min_distance=0.0, derivative_left=0.0, d_left_enabled=True, derivative_right=0.0, d_right_enabled=False, endpoint_val=0.0, species=["*", "*"], ): """ Convenience function to create a spline function with equidistant node points. Args: identifier (str): function identifier. Should be unique within the job n_nodes (int): number of node points cutoff (float): values after are 0 initial_value_func (function(x)): function to calculate start values for nodes. min_distance (float, optional): x coordinate of first node point. Defaults to 0. derivative_left (int, optional): . Defaults to 0. d_left_enabled (bool, optional): Whether to fit. Defaults to True. derivative_right (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0. d_right_enabled (bool, optional): Whether to fit. Should be False for most functions, beside Embedding terms. Defaults to False. endpoint_val (float, None, bool, optional): Start val for endpoint, enabled=False if float, if False endpoint is not included. If None endpoint is included, enabled and start_val is calculated like other points. Defaults to 0.0, which should be used in most cases. species (list of str, optional): Only needs to be changed for multi element fits. Defaults to ["*", "*"]. Returns: [type]: [description] """ s = Spline(identifier, cutoff, derivative_left, derivative_right, species) if endpoint_val is False: x = np.linspace( start=min_distance, stop=cutoff, num=n_nodes, endpoint=False ) else: x = np.linspace(start=min_distance, stop=cutoff, num=n_nodes, endpoint=True) y = initial_value_func(x) s.parameters.create_from_arrays(x, y) if endpoint_val is not False and endpoint_val is not None: s.parameters[f"node_{cutoff}"].enabled = False s.parameters[f"node_{cutoff}"].start_val = endpoint_val s.derivative_left.enabled = d_left_enabled s.derivative_right.enabled = d_right_enabled s.derivative_left.start_val = derivative_left s.derivative_right.start_val = derivative_right return s
[docs] @staticmethod def exp_A_screening( identifier, cutoff, species=["*", "*"], is_screening_function=True ): return ExpA( identifier, cutoff, species=species, is_screening_function=is_screening_function, )
[docs] @staticmethod def exp_B_screening( identifier, cutoff, rc, alpha, exponent, species=["*", "*"], is_screening_function=True, ): return ExpB( identifier, cutoff, rc, alpha, exponent, species=species, is_screening_function=is_screening_function, )
[docs] @staticmethod def exp_gaussian_screening( identifier, cutoff, stddev, alpha, exponent, species=["*", "*"], is_screening_function=True, ): return ExpGaussian( identifier, cutoff, stddev, alpha, exponent, species=species, is_screening_function=is_screening_function, )
[docs] @staticmethod def morse_A(identifier, D0, r0, alpha, species=["*", "*"]): return MorseA(identifier, D0, r0, alpha, species=species)
[docs] @staticmethod def morse_B(identifier, D0, r0, beta, S, delta, species=["*", "*"]): return MorseB(identifier, D0, r0, beta, S, delta, species=species)
[docs] @staticmethod def morse_C(identifier, A, B, mu, lambda_val, delta, species=["*", "*"]): return MorseC(identifier, A, B, mu, lambda_val, delta, species=species)
[docs] @staticmethod def gaussian(identifier, prefactor, eta, mu, species=["*", "*"], cutoff=None): return GaussianFunc(identifier, prefactor, eta, mu, species, cutoff)
[docs] @staticmethod def x_pow_n_cutoff( identifier, cutoff, h=1, N=4, species=["*", "*"], is_screening_function=True ): return XpowNCutoff( identifier=identifier, cutoff=cutoff, h=h, N=N, species=species, is_screening_function=is_screening_function, )
[docs] @staticmethod def constant(identifier, constant, species=["*", "*"]): return Constant(constant=constant, identifier=identifier, species=species)
[docs] @staticmethod def MishinCuV( identifier, E1, E2, alpha1, alpha2, r01, r02, delta, cutoff, h, S1, rs1, S2, rs2, S3, rs3, species=["*", "*"], ): product_func = FunctionFactory.product(identifier, species) sum_func = FunctionFactory.sum(identifier="MorseSum", species=species) morse1 = FunctionFactory.morse_A( identifier="Morse1", D0=E1, r0=r01, alpha=alpha1, species=species ) morse2 = FunctionFactory.morse_A( identifier="Morse2", D0=E2, r0=r02, alpha=alpha2, species=species ) c = FunctionFactory.constant( identifier="delta", constant=delta, species=species ) rep1 = FunctionFactory.RsMinusRPowN( identifier="rep1", S=S1, rs=rs1, N=4, species=species ) rep2 = FunctionFactory.RsMinusRPowN( identifier="rep2", S=S2, rs=rs2, N=4, species=species ) rep3 = FunctionFactory.RsMinusRPowN( identifier="rep3", S=S3, rs=rs3, N=4, species=species ) rep1.parameters.N.enabled = False rep2.parameters.N.enabled = False rep3.parameters.N.enabled = False sum_func.functions[morse1.identifier] = morse1 sum_func.functions[morse2.identifier] = morse2 sum_func.functions[c.identifier] = c sum_func.functions[rep1.identifier] = rep1 sum_func.functions[rep2.identifier] = rep2 sum_func.functions[rep3.identifier] = rep3 screening = FunctionFactory.x_pow_n_cutoff( identifier="screening", cutoff=cutoff, h=h, N=4, species=species ) screening.is_screening_function = False screening.screening = None product_func.functions[sum_func.identifier] = sum_func product_func.functions[screening.identifier] = screening return product_func
[docs] @staticmethod def MishinCuRho(identifier, a, r1, r2, beta1, beta2, species=["*", "*"]): return MishinCuRho(identifier, a, r1, r2, beta1, beta2, species)
[docs] @staticmethod def MishinCuF(identifier, F0, F2, q1, q2, q3, q4, Q1, Q2, species=["*"]): return MishinCuF(identifier, F0, F2, q1, q2, q3, q4, Q1, Q2, species)
[docs] @staticmethod def extendedMishinCuF( identifier, F0, F2, f3, f4, f5, f6, a3, a4, a5, a6, d3, d4, d5, species=["*"] ): return ExtendedMishinCuF( identifier=identifier, F0=F0, F2=F2, f3=f3, f4=f4, f5=f5, f6=f6, a3=a3, a4=a4, a5=a5, a6=a6, d3=d3, d4=d4, d5=d5, species=species, )
[docs] @staticmethod def RsMinusRPowN(identifier, S, rs, N, species=["*", "*"], cutoff=None): return RsMinusRPowN(identifier, S, rs, N, species, cutoff=cutoff)
[docs] @staticmethod def sum(identifier, species=["*", "*"]): return Sum(identifier=identifier, species=species)
[docs] @staticmethod def product(identifier, species=["*", "*"]): return Product(identifier=identifier, species=species)
[docs] @staticmethod def gaussians_sum( n_gaussians, eta, identifier, node_points=None, cutoff=None, initial_prefactors=None, min_prefactors=None, max_prefactors=None, species=["*", "*"], ): sum_func = FunctionFactory.sum(identifier=identifier, species=species) if node_points is None: if cutoff is None: raise ValueError( "Specify node points or a cutoff to set them automatically" ) else: node_points = np.linspace(0, cutoff, n_gaussians, endpoint=False) else: if len(node_points) != n_gaussians: raise ValueError("Number of node points has to match n_gaussians") if initial_prefactors is None: initial_prefactors = np.ones(n_gaussians) if min_prefactors is not None: if len(min_prefactors) != n_gaussians: raise ValueError("min_prefactors must have length num_gaussians") if max_prefactors is not None: if len(max_prefactors) != n_gaussians: raise ValueError("max_prefactors must have length num_gaussians") for i in range(n_gaussians): gauss = FunctionFactory.gaussian( identifier=f"gauss_{i}", prefactor=initial_prefactors[i], eta=eta, mu=node_points[i], species=species, cutoff=cutoff, ) = False gauss.parameters.eta.enabled = False if min_prefactors is not None: gauss.parameters.prefactor.min_val = min_prefactors[i] if max_prefactors is not None: gauss.parameters.prefactor.max_val = max_prefactors[i] sum_func.functions[gauss.identifier] = gauss return sum_func
[docs]class BaseFunctionMixin: # Mixin class to implement functionality common in all types of functions # Be careful with Spline class because it has params, but also derivatives, requiring some special additions to implementations
[docs] def copy_final_to_initial_params(self, filter_func=None): for param in self.parameters.values(): param.copy_final_to_start_value(filter_func=filter_func)
[docs] def lock_parameters(self, filter_func=None): for param in self.parameters.values(): param.lock(filter_func=filter_func)
[docs] def set_max_values(self, constant=None, factor=None, filter_func=None): """ Convenience function so set max values for all parameters at once. Can either use a constant value or a factor. If both are given factor is used. Args: constant ([type], optional): param.max_val = constant. Defaults to None. factor ([type], optional): param.max_val = abs(start_val)*factor. Defaults to None. filter_func ([type], optional): Optional function to filter params. Should take param as argument and return True or False. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: Raises when constant and factor are None. """ if constant is None and factor is None: raise ValueError("constant or factor must be set") for param in self.parameters.values(): param.set_max_val( constant=constant, factor=factor, filter_func=filter_func, )
[docs] def set_min_values(self, constant=None, factor=None, filter_func=None): """ Convenience function so set min values for all parameters at once. Can either use a constant value or a factor. If both are given factor is used. Args: constant ([type], optional): param.min_val = constant. Defaults to None. factor ([type], optional): param.min_val = -abs(start_val)*factor. Defaults to None. filter_func ([type], optional): Optional function to filter params. Should take param as argument and return True or False. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: Raises when constant and factor are None. """ if constant is None and factor is None: raise ValueError("constant or factor must be set") for param in self.parameters.values(): param.set_min_val( constant=constant, factor=factor, filter_func=filter_func, )
[docs] def count_parameters(self, enabled_only=True): parameters = 0 if enabled_only: for param in self.parameters.values(): if param.enabled: parameters += 1 else: for param in self.parameters.values(): parameters += 1 return parameters
[docs]class MetaFunctionMixin:
[docs] def copy_final_to_initial_params(self, filter_func=None): for f in self.functions.values(): f.copy_final_to_initial_params(filter_func=filter_func)
[docs] def lock_parameters(self, filter_func=None): for f in self.functions.values(): f.lock_parameters(filter_func=filter_func)
[docs] def set_max_values(self, constant=None, factor=None, filter_func=None): """ Convenience function so set max values for all parameters at once. Can either use a constant value or a factor. If both are given factor is used. Args: constant ([type], optional): param.max_val = constant. Defaults to None. factor ([type], optional): param.max_val = abs(start_val)*factor. Defaults to None. filter_func ([type], optional): Optional function to filter params. Should take param as argument and return True or False. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: Raises when constant and factor are None. """ for f in self.functions.values(): f.set_max_values(constant=constant, factor=factor, filter_func=filter_func)
[docs] def set_min_values(self, constant=None, factor=None, filter_func=None): """ Convenience function so set min values for all parameters at once. Can either use a constant value or a factor. If both are given factor is used. Args: constant ([type], optional): param.min_val = constant. Defaults to None. factor ([type], optional): param.min_val = -abs(start_val)*factor. Defaults to None. filter_func ([type], optional): Optional function to filter params. Should take param as argument and return True or False. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: Raises when constant and factor are None. """ for f in self.functions.values(): f.set_min_values(constant=constant, factor=factor, filter_func=filter_func)
[docs] def count_parameters(self, enabled_only=True): parameters = 0 for f in self.functions.values(): parameters += f.count_parameters(enabled_only=enabled_only) return parameters
[docs]class AbstractMetaFunction(DataContainer, MetaFunctionMixin): def __init__(self, identifier=None, species=None, table_name=None): super().__init__() self.identifier = identifier self.functions = DataContainer(table_name=table_name) self.species = species def _to_xml_element(self, func_name): root = ET.Element(func_name) root.set("id", self.identifier) for k, v in self.functions.items(): root.append(v._to_xml_element()) return root def _parse_final_parameter(self, leftover, value): identifier = leftover[0].split("[")[0] leftover = leftover[1:] try: self.functions[identifier]._parse_final_parameter(leftover, value) except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Function {identifier} not found in {self.identifier}")
[docs]class Sum(AbstractMetaFunction, MetaFunctionMixin): def __init__(self, identifier=None, species=None): super().__init__( identifier=identifier, species=species, table_name="sum_functions" ) def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(func_name="sum")
[docs]class Product(AbstractMetaFunction, MetaFunctionMixin): def __init__(self, identifier=None, species=None): super().__init__( identifier=identifier, species=species, table_name="product_functions" ) def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(func_name="product")
[docs]class SpecialFunction(DataContainer, BaseFunctionMixin): """ Analytic functions defined within atomicrex should inherit from this class """ def __init__( self, identifier=None, species=["*", "*"], is_screening_function=False ): super().__init__(table_name=f"special_function_{identifier}") self.species = species self.parameters = FunctionParameterList() self.is_screening_function = is_screening_function self.identifier = identifier if not is_screening_function: self.screening = None def _to_xml_element(self, name): if self.is_screening_function: screening = ET.Element("screening") root = ET.SubElement(screening, f"{name}") else: root = ET.Element(f"{name}") root.set("id", f"{self.identifier}") for param in self.parameters.values(): p = ET.SubElement(root, f"{param.param}") p.text = f"{param.start_val}" # This if condition is to prevent an error with the expA screening function if name != "exp-A": root.append(self.parameters.fit_dofs_to_xml_element()) if not self.is_screening_function: if self.screening is not None: root.append(self.screening._to_xml_element()) return root else: return screening @property def func(self): return None
[docs] def plot(self): if self.func is None: raise NotImplementedError( "A func property needs to be defined in the subclass" ) else: return plot(self.func)
def _parse_final_parameter(self, leftover, value): param = leftover[0].rstrip(":") self.parameters[param].final_value = value
[docs]class Poly(DataContainer, BaseFunctionMixin): """ Polynomial interpolation function. """ def __init__(self, identifier=None, cutoff=None, species=["*", "*"]): super().__init__(table_name=f"Poly_{identifier}") self.identifier = identifier self.cutoff = cutoff self.species = species self.parameters = PolyCoeffList() # preparation if poly gets screening function ability # self.screening = None def _to_xml_element(self): poly = ET.Element("poly") poly.set("id", self.identifier) cutoff = ET.SubElement(poly, "cutoff") cutoff.text = f"{self.cutoff}" poly.append(self.parameters._to_xml_element()) # if self.screening is not None: # poly.append(self.screening._to_xml_element()) return poly
[docs]class Spline(DataContainer, BaseFunctionMixin): """ Spline interpolation function """ def __init__( self, identifier=None, cutoff=None, derivative_left=0, derivative_right=0, species=["*", "*"], ): super().__init__(table_name=f"Spline_{identifier}") self.identifier = identifier self.cutoff = cutoff self.derivative_left = FunctionParameter( param="derivative-left", start_val=derivative_left ) self.derivative_right = FunctionParameter( param="derivative-right", start_val=derivative_right, enabled=False ) self.species = species self.parameters = NodeList() def _to_xml_element(self): spline = ET.Element("spline") spline.set("id", self.identifier) if self.cutoff is not None: cutoff = ET.SubElement(spline, "cutoff") cutoff.text = f"{self.cutoff}" der_l = ET.SubElement(spline, "derivative-left") der_l.text = f"{self.derivative_left.start_val}" der_r = ET.SubElement(spline, "derivative-right") der_r.text = f"{self.derivative_right.start_val}" fit_dof = ET.SubElement(spline, "fit-dof") fit_dof.append(self.derivative_left._to_xml_element()) fit_dof.append(self.derivative_right._to_xml_element()) spline.append(self.parameters._to_xml_element()) return spline def _parse_final_parameter(self, leftover, value): if "derivative-right" in leftover[-1]: self.derivative_right.final_value = value elif "derivative-left" in leftover[-1]: self.derivative_left.final_value = value else: param = float(leftover[0].split("[")[1]) param = f"node_{param:.6g}" self.parameters[param].final_value = value
[docs] def copy_final_to_initial_params(self, filter_func=None): super().copy_final_to_initial_params(filter_func=filter_func) self.derivative_left.copy_final_to_start_value(filter_func=filter_func) self.derivative_right.copy_final_to_start_value(filter_func=filter_func)
[docs] def lock_parameters(self, filter_func=None): super().lock_parameters(filter_func=filter_func) self.derivative_left.lock(filter_func=filter_func) self.derivative_right.lock(filter_func=filter_func)
[docs] def set_max_values(self, constant=None, factor=None, filter_func=None): super().set_max_values(constant, factor, filter_func) self.derivative_left.set_max_val( constant=constant, factor=factor, filter_func=filter_func ) self.derivative_right.set_max_val( constant=constant, factor=factor, filter_func=filter_func )
[docs] def set_min_values(self, constant=None, factor=None, filter_func=None): super().set_min_values(constant, factor, filter_func) self.derivative_left.set_min_val( constant=constant, factor=factor, filter_func=filter_func ) self.derivative_right.set_min_val( constant=constant, factor=factor, filter_func=filter_func )
[docs] def count_parameters(self, enabled_only=True): parameters = super().count_parameters(enabled_only=enabled_only) if enabled_only: if self.derivative_left.enabled: parameters += 1 if self.derivative_right.enabled: parameters += 1 else: parameters += 2 return parameters
[docs]class ExpA(SpecialFunction): def __init__( self, identifier=None, cutoff=None, species=["*", "*"], is_screening_function=True, ): super().__init__( identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=is_screening_function ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "cutoff", start_val=cutoff, enabled=False, fitable=False, ) @property def func(self): return lambda r: np.exp(1 / (r - self.parameters.cutoff.start_val)) def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(name="exp-A")
[docs]class ExpB(SpecialFunction): def __init__( self, identifier=None, cutoff=None, rc=None, alpha=None, exponent=None, species=None, is_screening_function=True, ): super().__init__( identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=is_screening_function ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "cutoff", start_val=cutoff, enabled=False, fitable=False, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "rc", start_val=rc, enabled=False, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "alpha", start_val=alpha, enabled=False, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "exponent", start_val=exponent, enabled=False, ) @property def func(self): return lambda r: np.exp( -np.sign(self.parameters.exponent.start_val) * self.parameters.alpha.start_val / ( 1 - ( (r - self.parameters.rc.start_val) / self.parameters.cutoff.start_val - self.parameters.rc.start_val ) ** self.parameters.exponent.start_val ) ) def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(name="exp-B")
[docs]class ExpGaussian(SpecialFunction): def __init__( self, identifier=None, cutoff=None, stddev=None, alpha=None, exponent=None, species=["*", "*"], is_screening_function=True, ): super().__init__( identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=is_screening_function ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "cutoff", start_val=cutoff, enabled=False, fitable=False, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "stddev", start_val=stddev, enabled=False, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "alpha", start_val=alpha, enabled=False, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "exponent", start_val=exponent, enabled=False, ) @property def func(self): cutoff = self.parameters["cutoff"].start_val stddev = self.parameters["stddev"].start_val alpha = self.parameters["alpha"].start_val exponent = self.parameters["exponent"].start_val return ( lambda r: np.exp( -np.sign(exponent) * alpha / (1 - (r / cutoff) ** exponent) ) * np.exp(-(r**2) / (2 * stddev**2)) / (stddev * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) ) def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(name="exp-gaussian")
[docs]class XpowNCutoff(SpecialFunction): def __init__( self, identifier=None, cutoff=None, h=1, N=4, species=["*", "*"], is_screening_function=True, ): super().__init__( identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=is_screening_function ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "cutoff", start_val=cutoff, enabled=False, fitable=False, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "h", start_val=h, enabled=False, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "N", start_val=N, enabled=False, ) @property def func(self): rc = self.parameters.cutoff.start_val h = self.parameters.h.start_val N = self.parameters.N.start_val return lambda r: ((r - rc) / h) ** N / (1 + ((r - rc) / h) ** N) def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(name="XpowN-cutoff")
[docs]class MorseA(SpecialFunction): def __init__( self, identifier=None, D0=None, r0=None, alpha=None, species=["*", "*"] ): super().__init__(identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=False) self.parameters.add_parameter( "D0", start_val=D0, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "r0", start_val=r0, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "alpha", start_val=alpha, enabled=True, ) @property def func(self): return lambda r: self.parameters.D0.start_val * ( np.exp( -2 * self.parameters.alpha.start_val * (r - self.parameters.r0.start_val) ) - 2 * np.exp( -self.parameters.alpha.start_val * (r - self.parameters.r0.start_val) ) ) def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(name="morse-A")
[docs]class MorseB(SpecialFunction): def __init__( self, identifier=None, D0=None, r0=None, beta=None, S=None, delta=None, species=["*", "*"], ): super().__init__(identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=False) self.parameters.add_parameter( "D0", start_val=D0, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "r0", start_val=r0, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "beta", start_val=beta, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "S", start_val=S, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "delta", start_val=delta, enabled=True, ) @property def func(self): D0 = self.parameters.D0.start_val r0 = self.parameters.r0.start_val S = self.parameters.S.start_val beta = self.parameters.beta.start_val delta = return lambda r: ( D0 / (S - 1) * np.exp(-beta * np.sqrt(2 * S) * (r - r0)) - D0 * S / (S - 1) * np.exp(-beta * np.sqrt(2 / S) * (r - r0)) + delta ) def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(name="morse-B")
[docs]class MorseC(SpecialFunction): def __init__( self, identifier=None, A=None, B=None, mu=None, lambda_val=None, delta=None, species=["*", "*"], ): super().__init__(identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=False) self.parameters.add_parameter( "A", start_val=A, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "B", start_val=B, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "mu", start_val=mu, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "lambda", start_val=lambda_val, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "delta", start_val=delta, enabled=True, ) @property def func(self): A = self.parameters["A"].start_val B = self.parameters["B"].start_val mu = self.parameters["mu"].start_val param_lambda = self.parameters["lambda"].start_val delta = self.parameters["delta"].start_val return lambda r: A * np.exp(-param_lambda * r) - B * np.exp(-mu * r) + delta def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(name="morse-C")
[docs]class RsMinusRPowN(SpecialFunction): def __init__( self, identifier=None, S=None, rs=None, N=None, species=None, is_screening_function=False, cutoff=None, ): super().__init__( identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=is_screening_function ) self.cutoff = cutoff self.parameters.add_parameter( "S", start_val=S, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "rs", start_val=rs, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "N", start_val=N, enabled=False, ) @property def func(self): def func(r): if r < return ( self.parameters.S.start_val * ( - r) ** self.parameters.N.start_val ) return 0 return func def _to_xml_element(self): xml = super()._to_xml_element(name="RsMinusRPowN") if self.cutoff is not None: cutoff = ET.SubElement(xml, "cutoff") cutoff.text = f"{self.cutoff}" return xml
[docs]class Constant(SpecialFunction): def __init__(self, constant=None, identifier=None, species=["*", "*"]): super().__init__(identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=False) self.parameters.add_parameter( "const", start_val=constant, enabled=True, ) def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(name="constant")
## Renamed GaussianFunc to not mess with the gaussian code when loading from hdf5
[docs]class GaussianFunc(SpecialFunction): def __init__( self, identifier=None, prefactor=None, eta=None, mu=None, species=None, cutoff=None, ): super().__init__(identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=False) self.parameters.add_parameter( "prefactor", start_val=prefactor, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "eta", start_val=eta, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "mu", start_val=mu, enabled=True, ) self.cutoff = cutoff @property def func(self): prefactor = self.parameters["prefactor"].start_val eta = self.parameters["eta"].start_val mu = self.parameters["mu"].start_val return lambda r: prefactor * np.exp(-eta * (r - mu) ** 2) def _to_xml_element(self): xml = super()._to_xml_element(name="gaussian") # Put this in SpecialFunction or AbstractFunction class when rewriting # f.e. using getattr() if self.cutoff is not None: cutoff = ET.SubElement(xml, "cutoff") cutoff.text = f"{self.cutoff}" return xml
[docs]class MishinCuRho(SpecialFunction): def __init__( self, identifier=None, a=None, r1=None, r2=None, beta1=None, beta2=None, species=["*", "*"], ): super().__init__(identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=False) self.parameters.add_parameter( "a", start_val=a, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "r1", start_val=r1, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "r2", start_val=r2, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "beta1", start_val=beta1, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "beta2", start_val=beta2, enabled=True, ) def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(name="Mishin-Cu-rho")
[docs]class MishinCuF(SpecialFunction): def __init__( self, identifier=None, F0=None, F2=None, q1=None, q2=None, q3=None, q4=None, Q1=None, Q2=None, species=["*"], ): super().__init__(identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=False) self.parameters.add_parameter( "F0", start_val=F0, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "F2", start_val=F2, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "q1", start_val=q1, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "q2", start_val=q2, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "q3", start_val=q3, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "q4", start_val=q4, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "Q1", start_val=Q1, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "Q2", start_val=Q2, enabled=True, ) def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(name="Mishin-Cu-F")
[docs]class ExtendedMishinCuF(SpecialFunction): def __init__( self, identifier=None, F0=None, F2=None, f3=None, f4=None, f5=None, f6=None, a3=None, a4=None, a5=None, a6=None, d3=None, d4=None, d5=None, species=["*"], ): super().__init__(identifier, species=species, is_screening_function=False) self.parameters.add_parameter( "F0", start_val=F0, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "F2", start_val=F2, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "f3", start_val=f3, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "f4", start_val=f4, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "f5", start_val=f5, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "f6", start_val=f6, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "a3", start_val=a3, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "a4", start_val=a4, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "a5", start_val=a5, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "a6", start_val=a6, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "d3", start_val=d3, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "d4", start_val=d4, enabled=True, ) self.parameters.add_parameter( "d5", start_val=d5, enabled=True, ) def _to_xml_element(self): return super()._to_xml_element(name="Extended-Mishin-Cu-F")
[docs]class UserFunction(DataContainer, BaseFunctionMixin): """ Analytic functions that are not implemented in atomicrex can be provided as user functions. All parameters defined in the function should be added using the UserFunction.parameters.add_parameter() method. """ def __init__( self, identifier=None, input_variable=None, species=["*", "*"], is_screening_function=False, cutoff=None, ): super().__init__(table_name=f"user_func_{identifier}") self.input_variable = input_variable self.identifier = identifier self.species = species self.parameters = FunctionParameterList() self.expression = None self.derivative = None self.is_screening_function = is_screening_function self.cutoff = cutoff if not is_screening_function: self.screening = None def _to_xml_element(self): if self.is_screening_function: screening = ET.Element("screening") root = ET.SubElement(screening, "user-function") else: root = ET.Element("user-function") root.set("id", f"{self.identifier}") input_var = ET.SubElement(root, "input-var") input_var.text = f"{self.input_variable}" expression = ET.SubElement(root, "expression") expression.text = f"{self.expression}" derivative = ET.SubElement(root, "derivative") derivative.text = f"{self.derivative}" for param in self.parameters.values(): p = ET.SubElement(root, "param") p.set("name", f"{param.param}") p.text = f"{param.start_val:.6g}" # 6g formatting because atomicrex output is limited to 6 significant digits, prevents some errors root.append(self.parameters.fit_dofs_to_xml_element()) if self.cutoff is not None: cutoff = ET.SubElement(root, "cutoff") cutoff.text = f"{self.cutoff}" if not self.is_screening_function: if self.screening is not None: root.append(self.screening._to_xml_element()) return root else: return screening def _parse_final_parameter(self, leftover, value): param = leftover[0].rstrip(":") self.parameters[param].final_value = value
[docs]class FunctionParameter(DataContainer): """ Function parameter. For detailed information about the attributes see the atomicrex documentation. Objects should only be created using the add_parameter method of the FunctionParameterList class. """ def __init__( self, param=None, start_val=None, enabled=True, reset=False, min_val=None, max_val=None, fitable=True, tag=None, ): self.param = param self.start_val = start_val self.enabled = enabled self.reset = reset self.min_val = min_val self.max_val = max_val self.tag = tag self.fitable = fitable self.final_value = None def _to_xml_element(self): root = ET.Element(f"{self.param}") if self.enabled: root.set("enabled", "true") else: root.set("enabled", "false") if self.reset: root.set("reset", "true") else: root.set("reset", "false") if self.min_val is not None: root.set("min", f"{self.min_val:.6g}") if self.max_val is not None: root.set("max", f"{self.max_val:.6g}") if self.tag is not None: root.set("tag", f"{self.tag}") return root
[docs] def copy_final_to_start_value(self, filter_func=None): """ Copies the final value to start_val. Raises: ValueError: Raises if fitting of the parameter is enabled, but the final value is None. This should only be the case if the job aborted or was not run yet. """ if filter_func is not None: if not filter_func(self): return if self.final_value is None: if self.enabled: raise ValueError( f"Fitting is enabled for {self.param}, but final value is None." ) else: self.start_val = copy.copy(self.final_value)
[docs] def set_max_val(self, constant=None, factor=None, filter_func=None): if filter_func is not None: if not filter_func(self): return self.max_val = constant if factor is not None: self.max_val = abs(self.start_val) * factor
[docs] def set_min_val(self, constant=None, factor=None, filter_func=None): if filter_func is not None: if not filter_func(self): return self.min_val = constant if factor is not None: self.min_val = -abs(self.start_val) * factor
[docs] def lock(self, filter_func=None): if filter_func is not None: if not filter_func(self): return self.enabled = False
[docs]class FunctionParameterList(DataContainer): def __init__(self): super().__init__(table_name="FunctionParameterList")
[docs] def add_parameter( self, param, start_val, enabled=True, reset=False, min_val=None, max_val=None, tag=None, fitable=True, ): """ Add a function parameter named param to a function. This needs to be done manually for user functions and not for special functions. Args: param (str): Name of the parameter. Must exactly match the name in the function expression. start_val (float): Starting value of the parameter enabled (bool, optional): Determines if the paremeter is varied during fitting. Defaults to True. reset (bool, optional): Determine if the parameter should be reset every iteration Can help with global optimization. Defaults to False. min_val (float, optional): Highly recommended for global optimization. Defaults to None. max_val (float, optional): Highly recommended for global optimization. Defaults to None. tag (str, optional): [description]. Only necessary for ABOP potentials .Defaults to None. fitable (bool, optional): [description]. Changing could cause bugs. Defaults to True. """ self[param] = FunctionParameter( param, start_val, enabled=enabled, reset=reset, min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val, tag=tag, fitable=fitable, )
[docs] def fit_dofs_to_xml_element(self): """Internal function Returns fit dofs as atomicrex xml element. """ fit_dof = ET.Element("fit-dof") for param in self.values(): if param.fitable: fit_dof.append(param._to_xml_element()) return fit_dof
[docs]class PolyCoeff(FunctionParameter): """ Function parameter, but for polynomial interpolation. """ def __init__( self, n: int = None, start_val: float = None, enabled=True, reset=False, min_val=None, max_val=None, ): super().__init__( param="coeff", start_val=start_val, enabled=enabled, reset=reset, min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val, fitable=True, tag=None, ) self.n = n def _to_xml_element(self): root = super()._to_xml_element() root.set("value", f"{self.start_val:.6g}") root.set("n", f"{self.n:.6g}") return root
[docs]class PolyCoeffList(DataContainer): def __init__(self): super().__init__(table_name="PolyCoeffList")
[docs] def add_coeff( self, n, start_val, enabled=True, reset=False, min_val=None, max_val=None ): """ Add a term in the form of a*x^n. Args: n (int): Order n of the coefficient start_val (float): Starting value of a. enabled (bool, optional): Determines if it should be fitted. Defaults to True. reset (bool, optional): Determines if it should be reset after each iteration. Defaults to False. min_val (float, optional): Highly recommended for global optimization. Defaults to None. max_val (float, optional): Highly recommended for global optimization. Defaults to None. """ self[f"coeff_{n}"] = PolyCoeff( n, start_val, enabled, reset, min_val, max_val, )
def _to_xml_element(self): coefficients = ET.Element("coefficients") for coeff in self.values(): coefficients.append(coeff._to_xml_element()) return coefficients
[docs]class Node(FunctionParameter): """ Function parameter, but for spline interpolation. """ def __init__( self, x=None, start_val=None, enabled=True, reset=False, min_val=None, max_val=None, ): super().__init__( param="node", start_val=start_val, enabled=enabled, reset=reset, min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val, fitable=True, tag=None, ) self.x = x def _to_xml_element(self): node = super()._to_xml_element() node.set("x", f"{self.x:.6g}") node.set("y", f"{self.start_val:.6g}") return node
[docs]class NodeList(DataContainer): def __init__(self): super().__init__(table_name="NodeList")
[docs] def add_node( self, x, start_val, enabled=True, reset=False, min_val=None, max_val=None ): """ Add a node to the spline interpolation function. Args: x (float): x coordinate of the node. Does not change during fitting. start_val (float): Initial y coordinate of the node. enabled (bool, optional): Determines if y is changed during fitting. Defaults to True. reset (bool, optional): Determines if y should be reset every iteration. Defaults to False. min_val (float, optional): Highly recommended for global optimization. Defaults to None. max_val (float, optional): Highly recommended for global optimization. Defaults to None. """ x = float(x) # atomicrex rounds output to 6 digits, so this is done here to prevent issues when reading the output. key = f"node_{x:.6g}" self[key] = Node( x=x, start_val=start_val, enabled=enabled, reset=reset, min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val, ) return self[key]
def _to_xml_element(self): nodes = ET.Element("nodes") for node in self.values(): nodes.append(node._to_xml_element()) return nodes
[docs] def create_from_arrays(self, x, y, min_vals=None, max_vals=None): """ Convenience function to create nodes from lists or arrays of values. Allows to easily start the fitting process with physically motivated values or values taken from previous potentials. Creates len(x) nodes at position x with starting values y. All given arrays must have the same length. Args: x (list or array): x values of the nodes y (list or array): corresponding y (starting) values min_vals ([type], optional): Highly recommended for global optimization. Defaults to None. max_vals ([type], optional): Highly recommended for global optimization. Defaults to None. """ for i in range(len(x)): node = self.add_node(x[i], y[i]) if min_vals is not None: node.min_val = min_vals[i] if max_vals is not None: node.max_val = max_vals[i]
[docs]def plot(func, x=np.linspace(0.01, 7.0, 351)): y = func(x) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7)) ax.plot(x, y) # These defaults should be fine for most potentials ax.set(xlim=[0.0, 7.0], ylim=[-3.0, 3.0], xlabel="r [$\AA$]", ylabel="func(r)") return fig, ax