Source code for pyiron_contrib.atomistics.atomistics.job.structurelistmasterinteractive

# Copyright (c) Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH - Computational Materials Design (CM) Department

Job class to run a reference jobs on all structures in a given container via an interactive job.

__author__ = "Marvin Poul"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH " \
                "- Computational Materials Design (CM) Department"
__version__ = "0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Marvin Poul"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "development"
__date__ = "Jun 14, 2021"

from pyiron_atomistics.atomistics.structure.structurestorage import StructureStorage
from pyiron_base import GenericMaster, DataContainer

[docs]class StructureMasterInt(GenericMaster): """ Runs given structures with given reference job. This example shows how to run a simple energy vs distance calculation for a dimer. >>> from pyiron_atomistics import Project >>> from pyiron_contrib.atomistics.atomistics.job.structurestorage import StructureStorage >>> pr = Project("container") >>> container = StructureStorage() >>> for d in [0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.2]: ... container.add_structure(pr.create.structure.atoms(["Fe", "Fe"], positions=[[0,0,0], [0,0,d]], cell=[10,10,10]) >>> ref = pr.create.job.Lammps("ref") >>> ref.structure = container.get_structure() >>> ref.calc_static() >>> master = pr.create.job.StructureContainerInteractive("master") >>> master.container = container >>> master.ref_job = ref >>> """ def __init__(self, project=None, job_name=None): super().__init__(project=project, job_name=job_name) self.input = DataContainer(table_name="parameters") self.input.container = None @property def container(self): return self.input.container @container.setter def container(self, container): self.input.container = container
[docs] def add_structure(self, structure): """ Add a structure to the StructureStorage to calculate. If no container set yet, create an empty one. Args: structure (Atoms): structure to add to calculation """ if self.input.container is None: self.input.container = StructureStorage() self.input.container.add_structure(structure)
[docs] def validate_ready_to_run(self): if self.input.container is None: raise ValueError("No structure container set!") if self.ref_job is None: raise ValueError("No reference job set!") self.ref_job.validate_ready_to_run() copy = self.ref_job.copy_to( project=self.project_hdf5, new_job_name=f"{}_calculator", new_database_entry=True ) self.append(copy)
[docs] def run_static(self): self.status.running = True j = self.pop() j.interactive_open() j.interactive_enforce_structure_reset = True for structure in self.container.iter_structures(): j.structure = structure j.interactive_close() self.status.collect = True
[docs] def collect_output(self): self.to_hdf()
[docs] def write_input(self): pass
[docs] def to_hdf(self, hdf=None, group_name=None): super().to_hdf(hdf=hdf, group_name=group_name) self.input.to_hdf(hdf=self.project_hdf5)
[docs] def from_hdf(self, hdf=None, group_name=None): super().from_hdf(hdf=hdf, group_name=group_name) self.input.from_hdf(hdf=self.project_hdf5)