Source code for pyiron_contrib.atomistics.interactive.montecarlo

# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH - Computational Materials Design (CM) Department
# Distributed under the terms of "New BSD License", see the LICENSE file.

import numpy as np
import random
import scipy.constants as sci_const
from pyiron_base import GenericParameters
from pyiron.lammps.interactive import LammpsInteractive
from pyiron.atomistics.job.interactivewrapper import InteractiveWrapper
from pyiron.atomistics.structure.atoms import Atoms

__author__ = "Jan Janssen"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH - " \
                "Computational Materials Design (CM) Department"
__version__ = "1.0"
__maintainer__ = "Jan Janssen"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "development"
__date__ = "Jul 25, 2018"

[docs]class MonteCarloMaster(InteractiveWrapper): """ A reference implementation for Lattice Monte Carlo Simulation. To understand Monte Carlo Simulation we highly recommend implementing your own Monte Carlo Method, still this is a reference implementation to compare your results. On a predefined lattice, the atoms are inserted as interstitials and the energy is calculated using a quantum engine, which can be set as reference job. Args: project (ProjectHDFio): ProjectHDFio instance which points to the HDF5 file the job is stored in job_name (str): name of the job, which has to be unique within the project Attributes: input (pyiron_base.GenericParameters): handles the input structure_lattice (pyiron.atomistics.structure.atoms.Atoms): Crystal Lattice structure_sublattice (pyiron.atomistics.structure.atoms.Atoms): Crystal Lattice of interstitial positions ref_job (pyiron.atomistics.job.atomistic.AtomisticGenericJob): atomistic interpreter used to evaluate structures """ def __init__(self, project, job_name): super(MonteCarloMaster, self).__init__(project, job_name) self.__name__ = "MonteCarloMaster" self.input = MonteCarloInput() self._structure_sublattice = None self._structure_lattice = None @property def structure_sublattice(self): """ Atomistic crystal structure of all possible interstital positions """ return self._structure_sublattice @structure_sublattice.setter def structure_sublattice(self, basis): """ Atomistic crystal structure of all possible interstital positions Args: basis (pyiron.atomistics.structure.atoms.Atoms): Atomistic crystal structure """ self._structure_sublattice = basis @property def structure_lattice(self): """ Lattice structure - defining the matrix """ return self._structure_lattice @structure_lattice.setter def structure_lattice(self, basis): """ Lattice structure - defining the matrix Args: basis (pyiron.atomistics.structure.atoms.Atoms): Atomistic crystal structure """ self._structure_lattice = basis
[docs] def set_input_to_read_only(self): """ This function enforces read-only mode for the input classes, but it has to be implement in the individual classes. """ super(MonteCarloMaster, self).set_input_to_read_only() self.input.read_only = True
[docs] def validate_ready_to_run(self): """ Validate the calculation is ready to run - in particular check that both the lattice structure and the sublattice structure are defined. """ super(MonteCarloMaster, self).validate_ready_to_run() if not self.structure_sublattice: raise ValueError('This job does not contain a valid intersitial structure: {}'.format(self.job_name))
[docs] def db_entry(self): """ Generate the database entry for the monte carlo calculation, based on the initial concentration Returns: (dict): db_dict """ db_dict = super(MonteCarloMaster, self).db_entry() if self.structure_lattice and self.structure_sublattice: interstitial_selected_lst = self._initial_config( self.input['number_of_interstitials'], self.structure_sublattice ) structure = self.structure_lattice + self.structure_sublattice[interstitial_selected_lst] parent_structure = structure.get_parent_basis() db_dict["ChemicalFormula"] = parent_structure.get_chemical_formula() return db_dict
[docs] def to_hdf(self, hdf=None, group_name=None): """ Store the ExampleJob object in the HDF5 File Args: hdf (ProjectHDFio): HDF5 group object - optional group_name (str): HDF5 subgroup name - optional """ super(MonteCarloMaster, self).to_hdf(hdf=hdf, group_name=group_name) with"input") as hdf5_input: self.structure_sublattice.to_hdf(hdf5_input, group_name="structure_sublattice") self.structure_lattice.to_hdf(hdf5_input, group_name="structure_lattice")
[docs] def from_hdf(self, hdf=None, group_name=None): """ Restore the ExampleJob object in the HDF5 File Args: hdf (ProjectHDFio): HDF5 group object - optional group_name (str): HDF5 subgroup name - optional """ super(MonteCarloMaster, self).from_hdf(hdf=hdf, group_name=group_name) with"input") as hdf5_input: self.structure_sublattice = Atoms().from_hdf(hdf5_input, group_name="structure_sublattice") self.structure_lattice = Atoms().from_hdf(hdf5_input, group_name="structure_lattice")
[docs] def write_input(self): """ No input files are written - they are not required for this job """ pass
def _write_run_wrapper(self, debug=False): """ No wrapper is written - it is not required for this job Args: debug (bool): the debug flag is ignored. """ pass
[docs] def run_static(self): """ Loop over the temperatures defined in the input and for each temperature calculate n rounds as defined in the input, finally during each round call the monte carlo calculation. """ for temperature in self.input['temperatures']: for round_nr in range(int(self.input['run_rounds'])): self.status.running = True interstitial_selected_lst = self._initial_config( self.input['number_of_interstitials'], self.structure_sublattice ) energy_accepted_lst, energy_total_lst = self._calc_monte_carlo( interstitial_selected_lst, temperature ) if self.ref_job.server.run_mode.interactive: self.ref_job.interactive_close() self.status.collect = True self._store_output_in_hdf5(temperature, round_nr, energy_accepted_lst, energy_total_lst) self._finish_job()
def _calc_monte_carlo(self, interstitial_selected_lst, temperature): """ Internal helper function to execute one monte carlo run, loop over the number of steps and at each step, test a configuration, by randomly choosing a subset of the available indices and populating those with interstitials. The execution is finished once either the number of accepted steps equals the run_steps defined in the input or once the number of total calculation equals the product of run_steps and run_try_factor. Args: interstitial_selected_lst (list): possible interstitial indices temperature (float): temperature which defines the acceptance ratio Returns: (list): accepted energies (list): all energies """ step_nr, try_nr = 0, 0 e_prev = None energy_total_lst, energy_accepted_lst = [], [] while step_nr < int(self.input['run_steps']) and \ try_nr < int(self.input['run_steps']) * int(self.input['run_try_factor']): prev_positions = interstitial_selected_lst[:] interstitial_selected_lst = self._index_switch(interstitial_selected_lst) structure = self.structure_lattice + self.structure_sublattice[interstitial_selected_lst] e_step = self._calc_energy_for_structure(structure) if self._monte_carlo_accept_step(temperature, e_step, e_prev): e_prev = e_step energy_accepted_lst.append(e_step) step_nr += 1 else: interstitial_selected_lst = prev_positions[:] energy_total_lst.append(e_step) try_nr += 1 return energy_accepted_lst, energy_total_lst def _index_switch(self, interstitial_selected_lst): """ Internal helper function to select a subset of the available interstitial positions Args: interstitial_selected_lst (list): index of possible positions Returns: list: random selection from the possible possitions """ interstitial_not_selected_lst = self._not_selected( interstitial_selected_lst=interstitial_selected_lst, sub_lattice_structure=self.structure_sublattice ) random_new_element = random.choice(interstitial_not_selected_lst) random_current_element = random.choice(interstitial_selected_lst) del interstitial_selected_lst[interstitial_selected_lst.index(random_current_element)] interstitial_selected_lst.append(random_new_element) return interstitial_selected_lst def _calc_energy_for_structure(self, structure): """ Calculate the energy using the quantum engine defined as ref_job Args: structure (pyiron.atomistics.structure.atoms.Atoms): Atomistic crystal structure to evaluate Returns: float: energy calculated """ if isinstance(self.ref_job, LammpsInteractive) and len(self._job_name_lst) == 0 and self.ref_job.server.run_mode.interactive: self.ref_job.interactive_positions_setter(structure.positions) self.ref_job._interactive_lib_command(self.ref_job._interactive_run_command) return self.ref_job.interactive_energy_tot_getter() else: self.ref_job.structure = structure self.ref_job_initialize() if self.ref_job.server.run_mode.interactive: else: return self.ref_job.output.energy_tot[-1] def _store_output_in_hdf5(self, temperature, round_nr, energy_accepted_lst, energy_total_lst): """ Store accepted energies and total energies inside the HDF5 file Args: temperatur (int/float): current temperature round_nr (int): current round energy_accepted_lst (list): list of accepted energies energy_total_lst (list): list of total energies """ with"output") as h5: h5['energy_accepted_' + str(int(temperature)) + '_' + str(int(round_nr))] = \ np.array(energy_accepted_lst) h5['energy_total_' + str(int(temperature)) + '_' + str(int(round_nr))] = np.array(energy_total_lst) @staticmethod def _monte_carlo_accept_step(temperature, e_step, e_prev): """ Monte carlo step - decide whether a new step is accepted or not. Args: temperature (temperature): Temperature of the Monte Carlo Calculation e_step (flaot): Energy of the current step e_prev (float): Energy of the previous step Returns: boolean """ if e_prev: energy_change = e_step - e_prev exponent = -energy_change / (sci_const.Boltzmann / sci_const.e * temperature) if exponent > 0: # np.exp(709) = 8.2184074615549724e+307 probability = 1.0 # np.exp(710) = inf ('RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp') else: probability = np.exp(exponent) return random.random() <= probability or energy_change < 0 else: return True @staticmethod def _not_selected(interstitial_selected_lst, sub_lattice_structure): """ Internal helper function to identify the interstitial opositions which are not selected Args: interstitial_selected_lst (list): selected positions sub_lattice_structure (pyiron.atomistics.structure.atoms.Atoms): atomic crystal structure of all possible interstitial positions Returns: list: positions which are not selected """ interstitial_all_lst = list(range(len(sub_lattice_structure))) return list(set(interstitial_all_lst) - set(interstitial_selected_lst)) @staticmethod def _initial_config(number_of_interstitials, sublattice): """ Internal helper function to generate the initial configuration Args: number_of_interstitials (int): number of interstitials sublattice (pyiron.atomistics.structure.atoms.Atoms): atomic crystal structure of all possible interstitial positions Returns: list: random index of interstitial positions """ interstitial_index = [] while len(interstitial_index) < number_of_interstitials: interstitial_index.append(random.randint(a=0, b=len(sublattice) - 1)) interstitial_index = list(set(interstitial_index)) return interstitial_index
[docs]class MonteCarloInput(GenericParameters): """ Input class for the ExampleJob based on the GenericParameters class. Args: input_file_name (str): Name of the input file - optional """ def __init__(self, input_file_name=None): super(MonteCarloInput, self).__init__( input_file_name=input_file_name, table_name="montecarlo_inp", separator_char="=", comment_char="#" )
[docs] def load_default(self): """ Loading the default settings for the input file. """ input_str = '''\ number_of_interstitials = 32 run_rounds = 1 run_steps = 100 run_try_factor = 10 temperatures = [200] ''' self.load_string(input_str)