Source code for pyiron_contrib.image.custom_filters

from __future__ import print_function
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH - Computational Materials Design (CM) Department
# Distributed under the terms of "New BSD License", see the LICENSE file.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

__author__ = "Liam Huber"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2019, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH " \
                "- Computational Materials Design (CM) Department"
__version__ = "0.0"
__maintainer__ = "Liam Huber"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "development"
__date__ = "Jan 30, 2020"

[docs]def brightness_filter(image, sigma=10, bins=100, deg=10, plot=False): """ Automatically detect a threshold between 'dark' and 'light' pixel values by looking for a minima in the pixel value histogram, fitting a polynomial, and finding the trough between the two highest peaks. Just exists as a near-trivial example Args: image (image.Image): The image to filter. sigma (float): The amount of gaussian smearing to apply to the image data before binning brightness. (Default is 10.) bins (int): How many bins to put the pixel brightness into. (Default is 100) deg (int): Degree of polynomial to fit to the binned brightness data. (Default is 10.) plot (bool): Whether to plot a summary of the filtering process. (Default is False.) Returns: (float): The fraction of pixels darker than the threshold. (float): The threshold used. (numpy.ndarray): The mask of values from the smoothed image below the threshold. """ # Smooth out to avoid checker-board of secondary phase image.reload_data() raw_data = image.filters.gaussian(sigma=sigma) signal = # Find 'dark' and 'light' signal peaks counts, edges = np.histogram(, bins=bins) bincenters = 0.5 * (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) coeffs = np.polyfit(bincenters, counts, deg=deg) poly = np.poly1d(coeffs) extrema = poly.deriv().r[1:-1] extremal_bin_ids = np.array([np.argmin(np.abs((bincenters - x))) for x in extrema], dtype=int) # Find the trough location between the two biggest peaks ultimate_id, penultimate_id = np.argsort(poly(bincenters[extremal_bin_ids]))[-2:] trough_id = extremal_bin_ids[int(0.5 * (ultimate_id + penultimate_id))] peak_id, pen_peak_id = extremal_bin_ids[ultimate_id], extremal_bin_ids[penultimate_id] if not (bincenters[peak_id] < bincenters[trough_id] < bincenters[pen_peak_id]) and \ not (bincenters[peak_id] > bincenters[trough_id] > bincenters[pen_peak_id]): print("WARNING: Had trouble finding a dividing trough for {}".format(image.source)) threshold_signal = bincenters[trough_id] # Separate phases based on lightness/darkness phase_mask = < threshold_signal phase_fraction = np.mean(phase_mask) if plot: # Plot the signal distribution _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6)) sns.distplot(signal, ax=ax, norm_hist=False, kde=False, label='brightness distribution') ax.plot(bincenters, poly(bincenters), label='fit') ax.axvline(bincenters[peak_id], color='w', linestyle='--') ax.axvline(bincenters[trough_id], color='w', label='threshold') ax.axvline(bincenters[pen_peak_id], color='w', linestyle='--') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Brightness of smoothed image') plt.ylabel('Pixel count') # And the resulting map _, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(12, 6)) axes[0].imshow(raw_data) axes[0].set_title('Original') axes[1].imshow( axes[1].set_title('Smoothed') axes[2].imshow(phase_mask) axes[2].set_title('Phase mask') return phase_fraction, threshold_signal, phase_mask