Source code for pyiron_contrib.image.utils

from __future__ import print_function
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH - Computational Materials Design (CM) Department
# Distributed under the terms of "New BSD License", see the LICENSE file.

import numpy as np
import inspect
from importlib import import_module
from pyiron_contrib.protocol.generic import LoggerMixin
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
from collections import UserList
from operator import itemgetter

Code used by the image library which isn't specific to the task of images, but which doesn't have a home anywhere else

__author__ = "Liam Huber"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2019, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH " \
                "- Computational Materials Design (CM) Department"
__version__ = "0.0"
__maintainer__ = "Liam Huber"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "development"
__date__ = "Feb 3, 2020"

def _elementwise_other(function):
    def wrapper(self, other):
        if hasattr(other, '__len__') and len(other) == len(self):
            return DistributingList(getattr(obj, function.__name__)(oth) for obj, oth in zip(self, other))
            return DistributingList(getattr(obj, function.__name__)(other) for obj in self)
    return wrapper

def _decorate_by_name(decorator, names):
    def decorate(cls):
        for name in names:
            if hasattr(cls, name):
                setattr(cls, name, decorator(getattr(cls, name)))
        return cls
    return decorate

[docs]@_decorate_by_name(decorator=_elementwise_other, names=[ '__eq__', '__ne__', '__lt__', '__gt__', '__le__', '__ge__', '__add__', '__sub__', '__mul__', '__floordiv__', '__div__', '__mod__', '__divmod__', '__pow__', '__lshift__', '__rshift__', '__and__', '__or__', '__xor__', '__radd__', '__rsub__', '__rmul__', '__rfloordiv__', '__rdiv__', '__rmod__', '__rdivmod__', '__rpow__', '__rlshift__', '__rrshift__', '__rand__', '__ror__', '__rxor__', '__iadd__', '__isub__', '__imul__', '__ifloordiv__', '__idiv__', '__imod__', '__idivmod__', '__ipow__', '__ilshift__', '__irshift__', '__iand__', '__ior__', '__ixor__', ]) class DistributingList(UserList): """ A list-like class which resolves attribute and function calls by returning a list-like class of the corresponding call on each child object. TODO: - __dir__ for autocomplete? - Elementwise decoration for in-place magic methods - Setattr stuff - Why do strings not have an __iadd__ method?! They clearly work with +=, so what is it calling? """ def __getattr__(self, item): return DistributingList([getattr(obj, item) for obj in self]) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): ret = [obj.__call__(*args, **kwargs) for obj in self] if all(x is None for x in ret): return None else: return DistributingList(ret) def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, slice): return DistributingList(super(DistributingList, self).__getitem__(item)) elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): if len(self) == len(item) and all(isinstance(i, bool) for i in item): return DistributingList(obj for obj, i in zip(self, item) if i) else: return DistributingList(itemgetter(*item)(self)) else: return super(DistributingList, self).__getitem__(item)
[docs]class LockedIfAttributeTrue(LoggerMixin): """ A descriptor which prevents modification when the provided attribute of the owning instance is True. Educational credit goes to: Attributes: default: The default value for the descriptor. attribute_name (str): The name of the attribute to look for in the owner instance when determining lock state. data (weakref.WeakKeyDictionary): A container to track instances. name (str): The name of the attribute the descriptor is being assigned to. """ def __init__(self, default, attribute_name): self.default = default self.attribute_name = attribute_name = WeakKeyDictionary() = None def __set_name__(self, owner, name): = name def __get__(self, instance, owner): return, self.default) def __set__(self, instance, value): if getattr(instance, self.attribute_name): self.logger.warning("The attribute '{}' cannot be modified while '{}' is True".format(, self.attribute_name)) else:[instance] = value
[docs]class ModuleScraper: """ A class which scrapes through a module and applies classes and primitives found as attributes of itself, functions found as methods of itself, and sub-modules found recursively as new `ModuleScraper` attributes of itself. A decorator can optionally be applied to all functions found. This is the real strength, since Note: Doesn't do anything until its `activate` method is called. TODO: - Allow decorators also for classes - Perhaps some sort of more complex mapping so that the decorators aren't just uniformly applied to every function/class that's found, but can be selectively applied. Attributes: safe (bool): Whether to skip values beginning with an underscore. (Default is True, do skip.) recursive (bool): Whether to recursively activate submodules. (Default is False: submodules are noted by creating a new `ModuleScraper` instance and setting it as an attribute, but contents cannot be accessed until the submodule itself is explicitly activated.) scrape_functions (bool): Whether to look for functions in the module. (Default is True.) scrape_classes (bool): Whether to look for class definitions in the module. (Default is True.) scrape_primitives (bool): Whether to look for primitives in the module. (Default is True.) primitives_list (tuple/list): A list of which types count as primitive. (Default is None, which uses `(int, float, bool, numpy.ndarray)`.) """ safe = LockedIfAttributeTrue(True, '_activated') recursive = LockedIfAttributeTrue(True, '_activated') scrape_functions = LockedIfAttributeTrue(True, '_activated') scrape_classes = LockedIfAttributeTrue(True, '_activated') scrape_primitives = LockedIfAttributeTrue(True, '_activated') primitives_list = LockedIfAttributeTrue((int, float, bool, np.ndarray), '_activated') def __init__( self, module, decorator=None, decorator_args=None, safe=True, recursive=True, scrape_functions=True, scrape_classes=True, scrape_primitives=True, primitives_list=None ): """ Args: module (module/str): The module from which to scrape, or the name of the module from which to escape, e.g. `skimage.filters` or `'skimage.filters'`. decorator (fnc): A decorator function to apply to scraped functions. (Default is None, no decorator.) decorator_args (tuple/list): Arguments to pass to the decorator. (Default is None, no args.) safe (bool): Whether to skip values beginning with an underscore. (Default is True, do skip.) recursive (bool): Whether to recursively activate submodules. (Default is False: submodules are noted by creating a new `ModuleScraper` instance and setting it as an attribute, but contents cannot be accessed until the submodule itself is explicitly activated.) scrape_functions (bool): Whether to look for functions in the module. (Default is True.) scrape_classes (bool): Whether to look for class definitions in the module. (Default is True.) scrape_primitives (bool): Whether to look for primitives in the module. (Default is True.) primitives_list (tuple/list): A list of which types count as primitive. (Default is None, which uses `(int, float, bool, numpy.ndarray)`.) """ self._module = module self._decorator = decorator self._decorator_args = decorator_args or () self._activated = False = safe self.recursive = recursive self.scrape_functions = scrape_functions self.scrape_classes = scrape_classes self.scrape_primitives = scrape_primitives self.primitives_list = primitives_list or (int, float, bool, np.ndarray)
[docs] def activate(self): """ Parse the module assigned at instantiation, using decorator information assigned at instantiation. """ if inspect.ismodule(self._module): module = self._module else: module = import_module(self._module) for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if and name[0] == '_': continue elif self.recursive and inspect.ismodule(obj) and obj.__package__ == module.__package__: # Behave recursively for submodules submodule = ModuleScraper( obj, decorator=self._decorator, decorator_args=self._decorator_args,, recursive=self.recursive, scrape_functions=self.scrape_functions, scrape_classes=self.scrape_classes, scrape_primitives=self.scrape_primitives, primitives_list=self.primitives_list ) setattr(self, name, submodule) if self.recursive: submodule.activate() elif self.scrape_functions and inspect.isfunction(obj): # Set all module functions as methods if self._decorator is not None: fnc = self._decorator(*self._decorator_args)(obj) else: fnc = obj setattr(self, name, fnc) elif self.scrape_classes and inspect.isclass(obj): # Grab classes setattr(self, name, obj) elif self.scrape_primitives and isinstance(obj, self.primitives_list): # Grab primitives setattr(self, name, obj) self._activated = True
def __getattr__(self, item): if not self._activated: self.activate() return getattr(self, item) else: if inspect.ismodule(self._module): name = self._module.__name__.split('.')[-1] else: name = self._module.split('.')[-1] raise AttributeError( "'{0}' has no attribute '{1}' first.".format(name, item))
[docs] def to_hdf(self): pass
[docs] def from_hdf(self): pass