Source code for pyiron_contrib.protocol.compound.minimize

# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH - Computational Materials Design (CM) Department
# Distributed under the terms of "New BSD License", see the LICENSE file.

from __future__ import print_function

from pyiron_contrib.protocol.generic import CompoundVertex, Protocol
from pyiron_contrib.protocol.primitive.one_state import Counter, ExternalHamiltonian, GradientDescent, Max, Norm
from pyiron_contrib.protocol.primitive.two_state import IsGEq
from pyiron_contrib.protocol.utils import Pointer

Protocol for minimizing forces.

__author__ = "Liam Huber, Jan Janssen"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2019, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH " \
                "- Computational Materials Design (CM) Department"
__version__ = "0.0"
__maintainer__ = "Liam Huber"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "development"
__date__ = "May 20, 2019"

[docs]class Minimize(CompoundVertex): """ Run minimization with Lammps. This isn't physically useful, since a regular lammps job is faster it's just a dummy class for debugging new code and teaching ideas. Input attributes: ref_job_full_path (str): Path to the pyiron job to use for evaluating forces and energies. structure (Atoms): The structure to minimize. n_steps (int): How many steps to run for. (Default is 100.) f_tol (float): Ionic force convergence (largest atomic force). (Default is 1e-4 eV/angstrom.) gamma0 (float): Initial step size as a multiple of the force. (Default is 0.1.) fix_com (bool): Whether the center of mass motion should be subtracted off of the position update. (Default is True) use_adagrad (bool): Whether to have the step size decay according to adagrad. (Default is False) Output attributes: energy_pot (float): Total potential energy of the system in eV. max_force (float): The largest atomic force magnitude in eV/angstrom. positions (numpy.ndarray): Atomic positions in angstroms. forces (numpy.ndarray): Atomic forces in eV/angstrom. Note: These are the potential gradient forces; thermostat forces (if any) are not saved. """ DefaultWhitelist = { 'calc_static': { 'output': { 'energy_pot': 1 } }, 'max_force': { 'output': { 'amax': 1 } } } def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Minimize, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Protocol defaults id_ = self.input.default id_.n_steps = 100 id_.f_tol = 1e-4 id_.gamma0 = 0.1 id_.fix_com = True id_.use_adagrad = False
[docs] def define_vertices(self): # Graph components g = self.graph g.calc_static = ExternalHamiltonian() g.clock = Counter() g.check_steps = IsGEq() g.force_norm = Norm() g.max_force = Max() g.check_force = IsGEq() g.gradient_descent = GradientDescent()
[docs] def define_execution_flow(self): # Execution flow g = self.graph g.make_pipeline( g.check_steps, 'false', g.calc_static, g.force_norm, g.max_force, g.gradient_descent, g.check_force, 'true', g.clock, g.check_steps ) g.starting_vertex = self.graph.check_steps g.restarting_vertex = self.graph.check_steps
[docs] def define_information_flow(self): # Data flow g = self.graph gp = Pointer(self.graph) ip = Pointer(self.input) # check_steps = gp.clock.output.n_counts[-1] g.check_steps.input.threshold = ip.n_steps # calc_static g.calc_static.input.ref_job_full_path = ip.ref_job_full_path g.calc_static.input.structure = ip.structure g.calc_static.input.default.positions = ip.structure.positions g.calc_static.input.positions = gp.gradient_descent.output.positions[-1] # force_norm g.force_norm.input.x = gp.calc_static.output.forces[-1] g.force_norm.input.ord = 2 g.force_norm.input.axis = -1 # max_force g.max_force.input.a = gp.force_norm.output.n[-1] # gradient_descent g.gradient_descent.input.default.positions = ip.structure.positions g.gradient_descent.input.positions = gp.gradient_descent.output.positions[-1] g.gradient_descent.input.forces = gp.calc_static.output.forces[-1] g.gradient_descent.input.masses = ip.structure.get_masses g.gradient_descent.input.gamma0 = ip.gamma0 g.gradient_descent.input.fix_com = ip.fix_com g.gradient_descent.input.use_adagrad = ip.use_adagrad # check_force = gp.max_force.output.amax[-1] g.check_force.input.threshold = ip.f_tol self.set_graph_archive_clock(gp.clock.output.n_counts[-1])
[docs] def get_output(self): gp = Pointer(self.graph) return { 'energy_pot': ~gp.calc_static.output.energy_pot[-1], 'max_force': ~gp.max_force.output.amax[-1], 'positions': ~gp.gradient_descent.output.positions[-1], 'forces': ~gp.calc_static.output.forces[-1] }
[docs]class ProtoMinimGradDes(Protocol, Minimize): pass