Source code for pyiron_contrib.protocol.utils.event

# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH - Computational Materials Design (CM) Department
# Distributed under the terms of "New BSD License", see the LICENSE file.

import threading
import logging
import inspect
from types import FunctionType, MethodType

Provides classes for a custom more feature rich signal-slot system than PyQt4's. Allows slot deletion, and explicit
handler execution.

__author__ = "Dominik Gehringer, Liam Huber"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2019, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH " \
                "- Computational Materials Design (CM) Department"
__version__ = "0.0"
__maintainer__ = "Liam Huber"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "development"
__date__ = "December 10, 2019"

[docs]class Synchronization(object): """ Helper class which creates a mutex. """ def __init__(self): super(Synchronization, self).__init__() self.mutex = threading.RLock()
[docs]class Event(Synchronization): """ A which implements a signal slot system. It executes event handlers synchronized. An event handler may be :obj:`EventHandler` object, :obj:`function` or a :obj:`lambda`. Something :obj:`callable` at least. If you pass a :obj:`callable` as event handler it must have a ``__name__`` attribute. The handlers name will be ```` if it is a :obj:`EventHandler` object or a ``functions.__name__`` attribute. Lambdas do not get an identifier. So you cannot remove them except by :func:`clear_handlers`, but this resets all handlers. Attributes: suppressed (bool): A flag that indicates if the event object should block the fire calls. If set to `True` signals will be blocked. """ def __init__(self): super(Event, self).__init__() self.__handlers = {} self.__unnamed_handlers = [] self.supressed = False self.__synchronize( names=['add_event_handler', 'remove_event_handler', '__add__', '__sub__', 'handler_count', '__getitem__']) @property def handler_count(self): """ Counts how many handlers are registered Returns: int: The total number of handlers """ return len(self.__handlers) + len(self.__unnamed_handlers) @property def handler_keys(self): """ `Property:` Creates a list with the names of all handlers Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: a list with all handler names """ return self.__handlers.keys() @property def named_handlers(self): """ `Property:` All handlers which are registered with a name Returns: :obj:`list`: a list of all named handlers (handler with an identifier) """ return self.__handlers.items() @property def unnamed_handlers(self): """ `Property:` List of all lambdas Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`function`: a list of all registered lambdas """ return self.__unnamed_handlers
[docs] def add_event_handler(self, handler): """ Adds a event handler to event. Each handler is identified by a string. The handlers identifier will be ```` if it is a :obj:`EventHandler` object or a ``functions.__name__`` attribute. Lambdas do not get an identifier. To fire this handler explicitly use:: event.fire_handler(identifier) You can shortcut this function by using:: event += lambda args: do_something(arg) event += EventHandler('my_handler_name', my_awesome_handler_func) event += my_object.my_awesome_handler_func Args: handler (:obj:`EventHandler`, :obj:`function` or :obj:`lambda`): the callable handler object Raises: TypeError: If handler is no instance of :obj:`EventHandler` a :obj:`function` or a :obj:`lambda` KeyError: If handlers identifier is already registered """ if callable(handler): if hasattr(handler, '__name__'): name = handler.__name__ if name == '<lambda>': self.__unnamed_handlers.append(handler) return else: self.__unnamed_handlers.append(handler) return elif isinstance(handler, EventHandler): name = else: raise TypeError( 'The argument of add_event_handler must be of type event.EventHandler, function or a lambda expression') if name not in self.__handlers.keys(): self.__handlers[name] = handler else: raise KeyError('The event already contains a handler named "{0}"'.format(name))
[docs] def clear_handlers(self): """ Removes all handlers, even registered :obj:`lambda` s """ self.__handlers = {} self.__unnamed_handlers = []
[docs] def fire(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Causes all registered handlers to execute Note: The arguments specified in `*args` and `**kwargs` must be consistent with the handlers signatures Args: *args: Arguments passed to the handler functions **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the handler functions """ self.mutex.acquire() try: local_copy = list(self.__handlers.values()) + self.__unnamed_handlers finally: self.mutex.release() if not self.supressed: for handler in local_copy: try: if callable(handler): if hasattr(handler, '__name__'): name = handler.__name__ else: name = str(handler) handler(*args, **kwargs) else: name = handler.func(*args, **kwargs) except: logging.getLogger(__name__).exception( 'An error ocurred while executing function {func}.'.format(func=name), exc_info=True)
[docs] def fire_handler(self, handler_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Fires only a specific registered hander. Only handlers with a name can be fired explicitly. Theses handlers may be :obj:`EventHandler` objects or named :obj:`functions` Args: handler_name (:obj:`str`): The identifier of the handler If the underlying event handler is of type :obj:`EventHandler` the name is ```` In case of a :obj:`function` the identifier is ``my_handler_func.__name__`` *args: Arguments passed to the handler function **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the handler function """ self.mutex.acquire() try: handler = self[handler_name] finally: self.mutex.release() if not self.supressed: try: if callable(handler): if hasattr(handler, '__name__'): name = handler.__name__ else: name = str(handler) handler(*args, **kwargs) else: name = handler.func(*args, **kwargs) except: logging.getLogger(__name__).exception( 'An error ocurred while executing function {func}.'.format(func=name), exc_info=True)
[docs] def has_handler(self, handler): """ Method to check if a certain event handler is already registered at the event Args: handler (:obj:`function`, :obj:`str` or :obj:`EventHandler`): The handler or its name to check Returns: bool: `True` if handler is available else `False` """ if callable(handler): if hasattr(handler, '__name__'): name = handler.__name__ else: name = str(handler) elif isinstance(handler, EventHandler): name = elif isinstance(handler, str): name = handler return name in self.__handlers.keys()
[docs] def remove_event_handler(self, handler): """ Removes the given event handler from the event You can also shortcut this function by using:: event -= 'my_handlers_identifier_string' event -= my_event_handler_object event -= my_object.my_awesome_handler_func Note: You cannot remove :obj:`lambda` expressions explicitly. Args: handler (:obj:`EventHandler`, :obj:`function` or :obj:`lambda`): the callable handler object Raises: TypeError: If handler is no instance of :obj:`EventHandler` a :obj:`function` or a :obj:`lambda` KeyError: If handlers name is not registered """ if isinstance(handler, EventHandler): name = elif isinstance(handler, str): name = handler elif isinstance(handler, (FunctionType, MethodType)) or inspect.ismethod(handler): name = handler.__name__ else: raise TypeError('The argument of remove_event_handler must be of type event. EventHandler, function or a ' 'lambda expression') if name in self.__handlers.keys(): del self.__handlers[name] else: raise KeyError('The event does not contain a handler named "{0}"'.format(name))
[docs] def set_event_handler(self, handler): """ Reassigns a event handler Args: handler (:obj:`EventHandler`, :obj:`function` or :obj:`lambda`): the callable handler object Raises: TypeError: If handler is no instance of :obj:`EventHandler` a :obj:`function` or a :obj:`lambda` KeyError: If handlers name is not registered """ if callable(handler): if hasattr(handler, '__name__'): name = handler.__name__ if name == '<lambda>': raise KeyError('A lambda expression cannot be reassigned') else: raise KeyError('Only a named handler can be reassigned') elif isinstance(handler, EventHandler): name = else: raise TypeError( 'The argument of set_event_handler must be of type event.EventHandler, function or a lambda expression') self.__handlers[name] = handler
def __synchronize(self, names=None): """Synchronize methods in the given class. Only synchronize the methods whose names are given, or all methods if names=None.""" for (name, val) in self.__dict__.items(): if callable(val) and name != '__init__' and \ (names == None or name in names): # print("synchronizing", name) setattr(self, name, synchronized(val)) def __add__(self, other): self.add_event_handler(other) return self def __getitem__(self, item): return self.__handlers[item] def __sub__(self, other): self.remove_event_handler(other) return self
[docs]class EventHandler: """ Utility class to identify a callback classs with a name. Attributes: name (:obj:`str`): The name of the event handler func (:obj:`function`): The function which will be executed """ def __init__(self, name, func): = name self.func = func def __eq__(self, other): return == and type(self) == type(other) def __hash__(self): return def __repr__(self): return 'event.EventHandler(name={0}, func={1})'.format(, self.func)
[docs]def synchronized(name): """ Function that creates a lock object and stores in the callers __dict__. Wrappes method for synchronized execution :param name: name of the callable to wrap Returns: :obj:`function`: the wrapped function """ def synchronized_method(method): outer_lock = threading.Lock() lock_name = "__" + method.__name__ + "_lock_" + name + "__" def sync_method(self, *args, **kws): with outer_lock: if not hasattr(self, lock_name): setattr(self, lock_name, threading.Lock()) lock = getattr(self, lock_name) with lock: return method(self, *args, **kws) return sync_method return synchronized_method